These are my sisters from the community of the CFC-Singles for Christ. Pretty women, loving, generous in their gift of selves to the Lord and to each other… these are the women who walk with me in this journey towards getting to know the Lord better everyday.
And this picture I took from a brother’s facebook post shows our Chapter Assembly today. These are some of the brothers. They join us during Chapter Assemblies. Usually, we have separate household prayer meetings for sisters and brothers. However, in the past couple of months, we have been conducting joint household meetings.
I love this community. This is where I grew in the faith. In this community, I have encountered the Lord often and gotten to know Him up close and personal. I used to value the Talks and the Teachings. Now, however, I have come to value the people.
The other day, I asked God to show me His heart and how He loves ALL people. I felt that today. I did not really feel this during the prayer meeting. In fact, I felt it while reflecting about what happened.
Not more than ten SFC’s attended out meeting today. After our Bible Sharing, we talked about our upcoming Christian Life Program (CLP) while eating lunch prepared by a sister. I felt a little worried about the service team since only nine attended the meeting and I tried to convince myself that God will take care of everything. (He always does anyway).
But, while reflecting about the day, I realized how much I missed the presence of our fun-loving Unit Head who has been absent for quite sometime. Although he sometimes makes jokes at inappropriate times, I realized how his levity actually balances the seriousness of the sisters. I also realized how he has quietly served and provided for all our needs. We also had another brother who used to do all these things for us. Bro. Ahmid served SFC quietly, without fanfare, without asking for titles or labels. He has committed himself to the service and to Christ and loved all of us fully. They were true leaders. Not asking for definitions, titles, recognition… but quietly rendering service as best as they could.
Jesus said this Himself… the last will be first and the first will be last. Bro Nilo and Bro Ahmid embodied servant leadership fully.
This reflection also made me remember all the other SFC members and leaders that came and went in the last five years that I was a member of it. I remember our former Area Coordinator, Sis Tess and her fiery passion and dedication to service. Her presence was already a power in itself.Then, there is Bro Jay-R, committed, quietly serving too and standing firm on his beliefs welcoming everyone with a warm and open heart. Sis Jejan was my DGL and household head. She is our Asst. Unit Head at present and her heart, her very life of commitment, her walking her talk helped me to grow not only as a Christian and daughter of the Lord but also as a woman. She always had a ready ear to listen, a loving heart to understand and honest lips to tell you where you might have fallen short so you can learn from your errors. Sis Remz, the woman half of our Couple Coordinators, always have a steadying presence. She is the voice of wisdom and reason for the group and her presence has guided us in our journey. Sis Ellen, one of our elder sisters, has always been the voice of wisdom. The depth of her biblical knowledge helped us muddle through the Scripture and her candor and frank nature has always allowed us to confront ourselves, our hidden selves and examine our conscience. Bro Jerome, former Unit Head, also played a huge part in making me see how God moves in each people and how we can always trust in the Lord’s guidance and provisions. His commitment and desire to serve is quite admirable.These were the brothers and sisters who were older than me in the community.
Those who joined the SFC at the same time I did and who are still present are Sis Razel and Bro Kit. Bro Nyor has recently left the community after committedly, constantly and determinedly serving as our Music Ministry Head. Work opportunities in Manila lured our baby brother but he has also joined the community there. I already missed his commitment and zeal and passion to serve despite all odds. Sis Razel is now a household head too and last year, she was our Asst. Team Leader in the CLP. Sis Razel’s struggle and growth over the years has also inspired me and her sweet nature and openness made household meetings enjoyable. She has been my confidant in the community and I tell her secrets and stuff I could not tell anyone. Bro Kit has rejoined the community after a hiatus of two(or three) years. A young man full of wisdom and talent, a lot has been demanded of him upon his return. He has served as Team Leader in the last CLP and he is the team leader again in this year’s CLP. He is a true gentleman to the core and very considerate of others too.I know once he commits himself fully to whatever it is he is doing, he can make things really happen.
The members who came in later were members that we were called to serve during the CLP and they occupy really special places in my heart. They are like children and we are accountable to God in guiding them, in loving them, in being expressions of God’s love to them. I am unable to name all of them since I started serving four years ago but their very lives and their very persons are deeply engraved in my heart. I have invested a little bit of myself in those CLP’s. I once thought I was merely serving out of responsibility. Later on, I started thinking I was serving the Lord. Now, I can feel it. I am not only serving out of responsibility, and not only for the Lord but also for the people He loves… His precious people.
Each of the member of this community plays a definite and vital role not only in the SFC but also in the lives of each other. Missing those who were no longer here and what they have done has made me realize how precious each and every member of the community is, not only in God’s sight but also in each others lives. Each of us are truly God’s amazing gifts to the other. And we anticipate more of God’s love manifesting itself through more members of the community.
We, the CFC-Singles for Christ Passi City Chapter, wholeheartedly, and eagerly anticipates another opportunity of sharing ourselves, our lives and our experiences in our journey of Love with His precious people.
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