What will you do if, one morning, while in Church, you find a woman weeping?
You don’t know her. She was probably someone from another town who just happened to require some space from her own thoughts.
She blindly entered your church, sat at the back row. Tears were streaming down her face and she bows down as she tries to hide them with her unkempt shoulder length hair. I wonder, sister, what would you have done?
Would you have gone to her to comfort her? Ask her what’s wrong? Would you have prayed for her, the least and the best thing that you could have done?
Maybe you will just stare at her curiously, wondering who she is, wondering if she will start bawling in church. You may even ask yourself if you should alert the authorities. I mean, who knows, she just might cause havoc in your quiet and peaceful and clean little church.
Or maybe, you might have ignored her, just like them, sitting and chattering about things that don’t really matter… who knows. But if they did just the opposite, they might have saved a flickering candle from completely dying out.